Women of Color on Broadway is passionately committed to uplifting and empowering women of African, Latin, Asian, and Indigenous descent who are pursuing careers in the vibrant world of musical theater. Our multifaceted mission is executed through thoughtfully designed programs, each contributing to the realization of our vision. These programs strive to achieve three key objectives:

Employment Opportunities

Creating credible and sustainable employment opportunities for women of color in the performing arts is at the core of our mission. We seek to empower talented individuals by opening doors to fulfilling careers on and off the stage, contributing to a more inclusive and representative industry.

Affordable Theatrical Experiences

Recognizing the importance of cultural enrichment, we are dedicated to making theatrical experiences accessible to everyone. Through affordable and engaging performances, we aim to bring the transformative power of theater to diverse communities.

Arts Education Access

We believe in making arts education accessible to girls from historically marginalized groups. By breaking down barriers and providing opportunities, we aim to inspire and nurture the artistic talents of young girls, fostering creativity and self-expression.

Envisioning a future where female BIPOC entrepreneurs thrive in the performing arts, Women of Color on Broadway actively contributes to building this supportive community. Our initiatives extend beyond performance spaces, as we organize impactful musical events and provide work opportunities across various roles, including performers, writers, producers, engineers, directors, musicians, and designers. Furthermore, our commitment to education is unwavering. We develop and implement educational programs that expose and mentor female students of color, offering insights into the myriad career fields within the theater industry. Through mentorship and hands-on experiences, we aim to cultivate the next generation of diverse talent in musical theater.

In essence, Women of Color on Broadway Inc. is not just an organization; it is a catalyst for change, a driving force towards a more inclusive and equitable landscape in the world of musical theater. Through our programs, events, and commitment to education, we strive to create a lasting impact, inspiring a new era where women of color can confidently and creatively contribute to the rich tapestry of Broadway and beyond.

Victoria Velazquez and Alexia Sielo Douglas Velazquez
Founders of Women of Color on Broadway Inc.