Terms of Service.

By accessing, browsing, and/or using Women of Color on Broadway (also known as “WOCoB”) website you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the conditions listed below.

Copyright notices

All Web site design, text, graphics, the selection and arrangement thereof, and software are the copyrighted works of WOCoB, unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. 

Restrictions of Use of Materials

You may print copies of the information on this website for personal use, you may also store the files on your computer for personal use or reference the server from your own documents. Trademark of the text  “Women of Color on Broadway” is retained by Victoria B. Velazquez. All other copyrighted texts, graphics, and trademarks on the website are retained by WOCoB unless otherwise noted. You may not distribute text or graphics from this website without the express written consent of WOCoB. Additionally, you may not copy and distribute this information to any other server, or modify or reuse text or graphics on this system or another system without our permission.

WOCoB reserves all other rights.

Hyperlink Disclaimers

This site may contain links to other Internet sites. Such links are not endorsements of any products, services or statements in such sites, and no information in such sites has been endorsed by WOCoB.

Submitted Ideas

WOCoB company policy does not permit the acceptance or consideration of creative ideas, suggestions, inventions, innovations or materials (hereafter “creative submissions”) other than information specifically requested. Please DO NOT submit creative submissions. If, despite our request, you choose to send us creative submissions, all creative submissions in addition to comments, or other information disclosed or offered to WOCoB through this site or in response to solicitations in this site shall remain the property of WOCoB. By submitting creative ideas, comments, or other information you consent to its use by WOCoB including possible posting and use on this website or otherwise. You also agree and understand thatWOCoB has resources that may have developed, or may develop in the future, an identical or similar creative idea, comment or suggestion you submitted. Any and all submissions are not submitted in confidence and WOCoB assumes no obligation expressed or implied by considering it. Without limitation, WOCoB will own any and all submissions of creative ideas, comments, or other information and will have unlimited and unrestricted use of the comments for any purpose without compensation to the provider of the submission.

Notification of Changes

WOCoB may revise these Terms of Use without notice and will post the updated terms here. We recommend that you occasionally check in to review this document to ensure you agree with our Terms of Use. Updated 2021.

Contract Interpretation

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, irrespective of any applicable conflicts of law principles. If any provisions of this agreement is ruled to be unlawful, void, or otherwise unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. This document is the entire agreement between you and WOCoB relating to the subject of this website.